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The Plan

Hello World I will be using this platform to post helpful sim racing related content. Setups, Guides I have found useful and tools for getting the most out of you sim racing experience. Most of my recent sim racing has been done on Project cars 1/2 and Automobilista 2.  I will also use this space to post updates about my sim racing in the various leagues that I compete in. Including the Kerb Clippers Sim Racing, Automobilista leagues and the Flux Motorsport, Project cars 2 Leagues. So watch this space!
Recent posts

New Pitstop/Race Strategy Calculator

Hi all, its been a while I bring a new Pitstop calculator for use with Automobilista 2, The sheet includes information about every class of car in the game and should be able to calculate how long a pitstop will take based on an individual cars specific tyre change time, refuel rates and even regulations (if you can chance tyres and fuel at the same time) Use it to Always find the perfect gap to pit into and never be undercut again :-) I've made it portrait so it can be used a little easier on a phone so you don't have to minimise the game.  As always its made using google sheets, the link should prompt you to save a copy to your google drive. Pitstop Calculator Hope its of some use

Setup Guide GT7 Update

 Hi all I've updated the setup sheet to be more Gran Turismo 7 friendly. Taking out options available in project cars2 and AMS2 and translating bits over to be more compatible with the GT7 menus.  I have not looked too hard in to some of the setup change descriptions yet so some of it may seem a little off. But it should for the most part still make sense. Same deal as with the last sheet. using a google account save a copy to your google drive.  Setup Project GT7 Alternatively Here is the spreadsheet condensed in to a cheat sheet to print off. Cheat sheet download  
Hello Just quick post, Using the setup up spreadsheet i've made a very basic print out to stick next to my rig, so thought i would share it on here as well, There is no particular order to how the setup options appear, so will need a little bit of knowledge to which changes to try first. It should give you an idea of how certain changes affect the car.  

Sim Racing Setup guide Videos.

 Following on from my last post with the Setup guide spreadsheet, I realised that a lot of the things I have learnt about setting up cars have come from really good youtube videos, There are a few youtube videos and playlists that I have found incredibly useful over the years.  I have made a playlist with videos that I have found particularly useful and hopefully i mean to keep updating it with new useful videos if and when i find them.  At the time of posting the majority of the videos in the playlist are from a youtuber named Dyr_gl PSN  His videos are quite a few years old now and were based mainly around project cars 1, But the majority of the information he presents is completely transferable to other sims and presumably real life race cars. The videos themselves are fairly simple, but it helped me understand certain aspects of car setups that i had been really struggling to get my head around (dampers dampers dampers). The only other video in the playlist at th...

Setup Guide

I designed this spreadsheet to give me a quick cheat sheet on how to set up my car for different races. it also gave me an opportunity to brush up on some of the setup changes while writing the little bits of blurb.  Basically you can tell it a simple problem and it will output all the set up options you can use to solve it. for example, Oversteer > Entry > High speed.  It outputs setup changes in one of two columns. whatever column the setup change ends up in indicates that moving the slider in that direction will help with the handling issue you have given it. It also gives a brief description of the effect the change has on the car, to better help understand what change is best in the situation.  It's sort of like a expanded version of the engineer setup option in project cars 2. once again a google drive account is needed to make a copy of this so you can edit and have a play wtih it. Setup Guide Sheet Anyway I hope it can help you get faster, Leave a comment if...

KCSR F3 Championship

 Starting the 5th of April Kerb Clipper Sim Racing is going to be hosting the Kerb Clipper F3 Championship on Automobilista 2. The championship will consist of 5 rounds, with 10 races, competing in the Dallara F309 car.  These races are usually good fun with a short spring race followed by a longer reverse grid race. If you are interested in getting involved in racing over at Kerb Clippers check out the website , for more info and a link to the discord. I'll be trying to steam all my races over on my youtube channel. 

Project cars / Automobilista 2 Weather Generator

 This Spreadsheet has been designed to generate weather based on the weather forecast for given track. By giving the chance of precipitation, Windspeed and temperature at a given time it will generate weather to fit the conditions, While still keeping it random enough to throw up some surprises.  Precipitation: effects the chance of wet weather will occur, Higher numbers will generate chances for heavier rain(if wet) or more overcast(if dry) lower numbers will more likely to be clear or light cloud or light rain. Windspeed: effects the chance of generating more weather slots. (simulates wind blowing weather over a circuit)  Temperature: certain temperatures will allow for different weather conditions. Below -0degressC will give a chance of snow, temperature also effects with haze or fog will occur. To save the weather generator you will need a google account to save it to your google drive. Weather generator